Jul 2Liked by TruthMonster - by John Anthony

I will take my chances just like I did when the COVID scam came along and I agree 100% with Tucker

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Yes, same here, Karen!

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Jul 2Liked by TruthMonster - by John Anthony

Question everything believe nothing do your own homework.

“Nothing just happens, everything is planned”

Col L Fletcher Prouty

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Jul 2Liked by TruthMonster - by John Anthony

The Importance of Fellowship

“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.”


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Jul 2Liked by TruthMonster - by John Anthony

I'm with Rima E Laibow MD @DRRIMATRUTHREPORTS... You did a great job writing this article!!!

The following is a mere observation of the meaning of the word "conspiracists" as you have apparently correctly used it within your sentence, "Despite there being no direct evidence of the natural origins of COVID, alternative ideas were mocked and their advocates tarred as conspiracists."

To me, even though the definition of "conspiracist" is officially defined as "one who believes or promotes a conspiracy theory."... which is how you are apparently correctly using it, I'm thinking that the word "conspiracists" is more in tune with the word "conspirators" which is defined as "persons who take part in a 'conspiracy' which is when two or more persons plan to do something unlawful", ergo "conspiracists".

Therefore, per my observation, I'm thinking the appropriate word to use for your sentence is "conspiracy theorists" as follows, "Despite there being no direct evidence of the natural origins of COVID, alternative ideas were mocked and their advocates tarred as conspiracy theorists."

As usual, per a bothersome habit of mine, I'm probably overcomplicating this when it has already been succinctly simplified as "conspiracists", but I'm sharing thoughts as they occur in real-time with the hope that these thoughts constitute some semblance of logic and reason.

Once again, thank you for this great article.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by TruthMonster - by John Anthony

The existence of a novel pathogenic virus called SARS-COV-2 remains unproven. Nor were the papers allegedly claiming proof of the novel virus ever vetted. This article breaks it all down: https://anthonycolpo.substack.com/p/dear-virology-do-you-have-anything

A song about the fraud of Virology. Watch THE DISH. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/new-music-video-the-dish

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Jul 2Liked by TruthMonster - by John Anthony

I agree with Tucker here. In fact I am more inclined to follow the advice of one of the greatest contrarians of all time https://youtu.be/29E6GbYdB1c?si=PeI6QH7jlCn-7Z_v

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Good one!

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Jul 2Liked by TruthMonster - by John Anthony

Not doing anything they say. A bunch of liars and thieves. Zero credibility anymore.

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Jul 2Liked by TruthMonster - by John Anthony

Bravo. Great article, which I just cross posted to DrRimaTruthReports substack. Well done.

Oh, and by the way, how about asking your audience to mobilize around supporting the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR 6645/S 3428) now before the Congress of the United States? They can read the bill and easily tell their Congressmen and women that they want OUT of the UN Death Machine. at https://PreventGenocide2030.org.

No, it makes no difference whether their Congressmen and women are corrupt and controlled: when enough people demand the same thing, it happens. But we will need about 10 million people making this demand, I estimate.

So each of us needs to take the simple, easy actions at PreventGenocide2030.org and then share the link, mobilizing as many others as possible.

And while you are there, how about taking the Twitter Action to make the three big questions that no one is talking about into major election issues? Again, simple, quick, easy and effective.

It is, quite simply, up to us to get out of the UN death machine or allow them to utterly destroy us at every level, from the DNA outward, as their death shot makes clear is their intention.

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Jul 3Liked by TruthMonster - by John Anthony

Open Letter to all Politicians and all Governments

I disavow object refuse and reject any and all Governments their laws and actions

I think it's time to tell politicians what I really think of them... useless eaters...liars... scum.

I'm done with the lot.

And you may sent this letter to your senator... please do so... I want them to know Fritz Freud thinks every Politician is a little Hitler... a turd wasting good air.

Not only do I have no respect for you lot... I despise you... the lot of you.

It's about time that someone tells you lot that you are shit... corrupt through and through... rotten to the core... good for nothing scum... and that it is time for you to go; I am the one.


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You must like the David knight show on substack…me too!

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Jul 2Liked by TruthMonster - by John Anthony

I agree with myself, Never trust any government or agency governments are the largest group of murders on the planet

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Jul 3Liked by TruthMonster - by John Anthony


Ways & Means, E&C, and Judiciary Chairs Demand Watchdogs Review After Report Exposes Widespread Fraud in Obamacare Plans

July 02, 2024


https://www.hoover.org/research/coming-two-tier-health-system Unless ObamaCare is drastically altered, America's health care will also become even more divided, with rising inequality. Just as in the U.K. and other countries where governments take an outsize role in dictating health-care policy, only the lower and middle classes in America will suffer the full consequences of ObamaCare.


12/20/2011 https://www.nature.com/articles/480421a Fears grow over lab-bred flu

https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE4BS564/ 2008 Researchers have found out what made the 1918 flu pandemic so deadly -- a group of three genes that lets the virus invade the lungs and cause pneumonia.

They mixed samples of the 1918 influenza strain with modern seasonal flu viruses to find the three genes and said their study might help in the development of new flu drugs. The three genes -- called PA, PB1, and PB2 -- along with a 1918 version of the nucleoprotein or NP gene, made modern seasonal flu kill ferrets in much the same way as the original 1918 flu, Kawaoka's team found.


2024 Preferred Product Characteristics (PPC) for next-generation influenza vaccines – public consultation 26 June 2024

“2024 PPC FluDraft For Public Comment”

Proposed revisions arising from the public consultation will be considered by the PPC working group before it is finalized. If you have any comments, please submit them to vaccines@who.int using the Comment Form Part of the treaty?

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Jul 3Liked by TruthMonster - by John Anthony

Bird flu or Geert Vanden Bossche’s prediction of the virulent mutation of sars cov2 ? - I expect high death rates coming and the truth to be censored. Problem is, unvaccinated may waver and get the newest jab as the deaths climb.

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Goods news is more are discovering the truth. This German study from Feb 2024 shows more researchers are finding increased mortality following the vaccines, not explained by COVID. Like you, wish it was faster! You might share thia article Jolsons. I write in hopes of waking more people. Thanks for reading, John

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Jul 3Liked by TruthMonster - by John Anthony

I like all the links to data throughout and overall I thought this was a good article.

the main thing I'd take umbrage with is the idea that PCR tests have any accuracy at all for diagnosing disease even at reasonable cycle counts. the inventor himself stated that you can find anything in anything with a PCR test if you test it hard enough. the real quote is buried somewhere in here, though it's rather long and pretty dated it is a good interview: https://archive.org/details/kary-mullis-the-1996-full-interview-with-gary-null

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We agree SD. Imagine you bought a perfectly fine gun, used it to blow holes in your refrigerator, then blamed the gun for ruining your food. There was nothing wrong with the gun...it was the way the person used it. It is the same with PCR. The CDC had to know that the settings they recommended would result in massive numbers of false positives.

The polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique amplifies small bits of DNA for further study. It performs that task well. The higher the number of cycles (amplifications) used in processing, the more bits of DNA will result. (More than 24 cycles returned multiple DNA segments meaning lots of "positives.") Without further lab work, there was no way to know if any of these segments was the COVID virus. STILL THE CDC CALLED ANY POSITIVE A "CASE." So, the CDC used a perfectly legitimate process, over-cycled it, creating large numbers of false COVID cases and scaring the heck out of the public. The CDC had to know what they were doing.)

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I must have misread where "covid was and emergency", it wasn't and that "the test were accurate", they weren't. EVERYTHING they claimed was a lie and people fell for it and are still falling for it. Sad!!

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We agree Carolyn.

Let me put it differently. Imagine you bought a perfectly fine gun, used it to blow holes in your refrigerator, then blamed the gun for ruining your food. There was nothing wrong with the gun...it was the way the person used it. It is the same with PCR. The CDC had to know that the settings they recommended would result in massive numbers of false positives.

The polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique amplifies small bits of DNA for further study. It performs that task well. The higher the number of cycles (amplifications) used in processing, the more bits of DNA will result. (More than 24 cycles returned multiple DNA segments meaning lots of "positives.") Without further lab work, there was no way to know if any of these segments was the COVID virus. STILL THE CDC CALLED ANY POSITIVE A "CASE." So, the CDC used a perfectly legitimate process, over-cycled it, creating large numbers of false COVID cases and scaring the heck out of the public. The CDC had to know what they were doing.

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I have an injection of my own for all those bent on genocide, extermination and/or depopulation.

It comes out of the end of my gun. It is has a 9m cartridge and travels VERY FAST.

It is made out of lead and has a copper jacket.

Try to murder me with your Weapon of Mass Destruction and I have a defence of my own.

I am allowed to defend myself from anyone who is trying to MURDER OR INJURE ME.

I choose LIFE. You who threaten to inject me are choosing your own DEATH!

Choose wisely! You will get only one chance.

Comment supported by John Wayne.

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All these places must be closed down . All those who lied to the public must be tried for their evil. Money cannot buy everything. The huge amounts they were paid to lie to the world must be out in the open. I pray the new President will get this done. The Repbulican .

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