Jun 13Liked by TruthMonster - by John Anthony

Any person with half a brain knows what is taking place and it is going to get much worse. Famine, depopulation, fear, control. Just the fact that they are testing these animals (that is if they really are testing them) using PCR. Like Dr. Mullis, the inventor of PCR, said if you spin PCR with enough cycles you can make it say whatever you want it to say. The real problem is that way too many people all over the world do not have those needed brain capacity to understand and common sense has been bred out of most humans.

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Jun 13Liked by TruthMonster - by John Anthony

You are correct! We need to call whatever they bang the drum about the WHO FLU.

They deserve it.

Maybe BOO WHO FLU is better.

Ridicule, insult, then ignore them.

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Jun 16Liked by TruthMonster - by John Anthony


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Jun 24Liked by TruthMonster - by John Anthony

That title reminds me of my old definition of "herd immunity":

The only herd immunity that exists is the one to be immune to common sense.

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Good one. I find it fascinating the CDC is already prepping the fear factor by letting everyone know that no one has "natural immunity to the H5N1 bird flu." (Repeating the 'pandemic of the unvaxxed" hoax.) Our immune systems adapt. It's man's lab created junk that presents the most problem.

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The fear factor seems to be operating in multiple channels. My most recent favorite is the WHO:


Sorry, I think, I'm already halfway synthetic, although I've never worn a muzzle, never accepted to be "tested," and definitely never agreed to a (sooner-or-later) lethal injection:


The attack is coming in from all sides:


Reverse-engineering is unlikely:


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