Days from now, on the 22-23rd of September, United Nation members will meet to approve a Pact for the Future to accelerate implementation of the 17 sustainable development goals. The action plan commits to transforming all nations to create equitable, inclusive, and effective global governance for present and future generations.
You can’t ‘transform’ what you can’t control and that’s what’s at the heart of the UN’s pact.
This document ushers a transformation to vaccine mandates, censorship, and centralized control of finance, agriculture, education and virtually all daily life to attain the17 SDGs.
For globalists like the UN and their partner WEF, weak control has always been the problem with sustainable development. This pact is an attempt to hide strangling oversight of national and ultimately personal decisions while presenting a façade of optionalism.
In one example, the UN calls for “a global code of conduct that promotes integrity in public information… by defending a common, empirically backed consensus around facts, science and knowledge.”
The Pact for the Future tells how this will be accomplished…
50. We are concerned about the existing and potential risks to international peace and security posed by the misuse of digital technologies, including information and communications technologies and artificial intelligence.
We decide to: (a) Uphold international law, including the Charter, as well as implement agreed norms, rules and principles of responsible State behavior in the use and misuse of information communications technologies (ICTs).
Notice signatories are already making the decision to implement the accompanying actions. In other words, states will be held accountable to deplatform or otherwise censor information conflicting with the ‘experts.’
This same “we decide to” applies to every one of the expansive steps leading to global transformation.
Much of the wording is vague allowing possible exceptions, but that may not be much help even in the U.S. where treaties require Senate approval and our Constitution is designated the supreme law of the land. (Treaties must be “in pursuance” of the Constitution.)
Both politicians and the judiciary have conjured liberal constitutional interpretations our founders never intended and the pact has not been labeled a treaty thereby allowing quick executive agreement and implementation through our federal agencies.
The Supreme Court’s recent overruling of the Chevron Deference, which limited agency power, might deter this workaround. But, again, the Biden/Harris administration has already announced plans to reform the Supreme Court to become more line with their policies.
With Joe Biden’s 30 X 30 land grab, dedication to Net Zero, and natural capital accounting practices that are in compliance with the UN’s own Eco Accounting System, the U.S. is racing toward the UN objectives. Biden assured his approval of the pact when his September 2023 UN address echoed the document’s wording agreeing that America’s future is tied to the UN:
“The United States seeks a more secure, more prosperous, more equitable world for all people because we know our future is bound to yours. Let me repeat that again: We know our future is bound to yours.”
Security and prosperity will not come from the UN with its a history of corruption.
In 2016 U N peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo were charged with sexual exploitation and abuse of citizens.
In 2019 whistleblowers exposed the misappropriation of millions of dollars in the United Nations Development Program in a project in Russia.
In 2001 the UN was embroiled in the oil for food scandal in Iraq involving oil company kickbacks to Saddam Hussein. Maurice Strong, considered the father of the UN’s environmentalist and todays’ sustainable development movement was implicated and stepped down from his UN role moving to China.
A 2020 audit of the UN’s United Nations Development Program revealed “financial misstatements” worth millions of dollars across UNDP’s portfolio, “fraudulent activities,” and suspicions of “collusion.”
In 2023, after 24 years of failure of MONUSCO, their longest-standing attempt to bring peace to the Congo, the UN withdrew their peacekeepers from the DRC.
In 2024 intelligence dossiers showed UN employees working under the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) participated or aided in the October 7 attack on Israel.
The UN’s assistance in exporting illegals into the United States surpasses any of these criminal and societal violations.
The organization’s refugee agency (UNHCR) not only provides debit cards and money for lodging and medicine for illegals, they pay hordes of psychologists to help migrants create their own asylum histories resulting in “staggering” numbers of illegal crossings.
For 2024 the UN plans to raise an additional $7.9 billion to support legal immigration, but somehow that money makes its way into the pockets of non-profit organizations that encourage illegals to lie their way through our southern border.
According to the Center for Immigration Studies, UN-funded non-profits “pay stables of clinical psychologists to help migrants recover repressed memories of government persecution and other hardship stories that qualify migrants for Mexican asylum and a residence card,”
Of course, it’s hard to pull in billions annually and not accomplish something worthwhile. But like a vaccine that claims good while doing even greater harm, the UN’s gauze-like cover of a pact to protect future generations is a power grab for centralized control that confers Olympian status to the corrupted institution.
It’s hard enough for local citizens to hold election boards, county commissioners, or state officials accountable. Passing the buck is politicians’ favorite tactic. Imagine if that buck stopped at the UN General Assembly in NY.
As a nation, we cannot allow the UN, whose mission has transformed from peacekeeping to greed and control, manage our future.
It is important to let your federal and state representatives know this pact must be stopped. You can find there contact information for them all here by entering your zip code or state.