Biden Disinfo Board a Distraction from WHO Amendment Vote
Don't fall for it! We can still stop the IHR Amendments!
Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board was a blatant distraction designed to shift attention from the WHO amendments to be voted on Tuesday, May 24th. (When the infirm Biden installs his permanent “truth ministry” you can bet it will carry a comforting name like, “American Center for Trust.”)
From May 22 to 28, 2022, the WHO, during a meeting of its legislative body, the World Health Assembly, will discuss two key issues. The Global Pandemic Treaty PLUS, on the 24th, a set of amendments to the International Health Regulations presented to the Assembly by the Biden administration.
The Biden Amendments to the International Health Regulations are critical because they duplicate many of the sovereignty-robbing effects of the Treaty, but do not require Senate approval. The US signed onto the IHR agreement in 2005. The amendments could be voted on as early as May 24th giving them the effect of international law.
Member states historically have 18 months to reject the amendments once approved. However, Biden through his HHS Assistant Sec. Loyce Pace, requested the rejection period be reduced to 6 months after which...
“Any rejection or reservation received by the Director-General after the expiry of that period shall have no effect.”
Why are the Biden Amendments bad?
· The IHR transfers power during a pandemic or other Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)from our U.S States, Administrations, and Constitution to the WHO via the IHR. The regulations are a “binding instrument of international law entered into force on 15 June 2007.”
· The WHO control is not limited to pandemics. Health emergencies are poorly defined to incorporate the complete social, mental and physical well-being of the planet.
· The WHO is not required to disclose the source of the cause of the supposed health emergency.
· Unfriendly UN member states could bring health charges against the U.S. These could include failure to address climate change, or shootings. Virtually any cause can be related health and welfare.
· In a declared emergency, the US. Has 48 hours to cooperate with the WHO. Failure to obey can lead to fines, sanctions, or punitive actions by the UN and other member states.
· The Biden Amendments end American sovereignty and the freedoms we cherish. When combined with the Pandemic Treaty, it is possible for a foreign authority to demand lockdowns, digital passports, quarantine camps, and more.
By crowning themselves in charge of all mental social and physical health, the WHO can use technical advances to give themselves unlimited world power.
We can stop this hegemonic madness.
Address emails or letters to your House and Senate Members.
Include your name, Phone number and Email address
Sample letter…
Dear ___________,
I am letting you know the WHO, during its May meeting in Geneva is about to vote on Biden Administration initiated amendments that transfer power over health emergencies from our elected governments to the United Nations.
In the past, the US through the International Health Regulations had the authority to accept or reject WHO interventions. These amendments remove that US authority.
Instead they hand the WHO authority to declare international emergencies without disclosing the source of the information nor the cause of the emergency.
We must never allow our nation to be dictated to by unelected foreign powers.
In addition, the WHO has thoroughly failed in its attempts to manage the recent SARS-2 outbreak. It’s one-size first all solutions were often based on faulty projections, questionable research, all leading to poor advice that has protracted the suffering and cost lives rather than help humanity.
I am asking you to do all in your power to prevent the IHR Amendments from being enacted.