17,000 Duped Docs Want the Senate to Reject RFK, Jr. for HHS.
This is part of a broader push to protect HHS's hide, lie, and disinform racket.
Medpage, a newsletter for health professionals, highlighted an article claiming 17,000 doctors signed a petition urging the Senate to reject RFK, Jr. for HHS secretary.
The petition was generated by the Committee to Protect Health Care (CTP) a left-wing, 501(c)(4), super PAC that advocates centralized government control of the healthcare industry and ultimately of doctor-patient decisions.
In 2020 – 2021 CTP claimed Republicans spread “disinformation, and reckless public health policy” arguing it was lockdown opposition that caused the spread of COVID-19.
Their board chair, immunologist Mona Mangat, formerly chaired Doctors for America another left-leaning group promoting sex-reassignment surgeries, and abortion.
The petition is a thesaurus of establishment protectionism and government disinfo. It claims RFK, Jr is “actively dangerous” and “an affront to the principles of public health” because he spreads “false claims and conspiracy theories” about vaccines, and “promotes discredited COVID-19 treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.”
None of these arguments stand up.
Mr. Kennedy’s beef is HHS:
failed to test the 71 doses of vaccines on the childhood schedule against placebo-controlled studies,
never conducted large-scale vaccinated versus unvaccinated research, and
failed to submit vaccine safety reports to Congress as required by law. In 2018 HHS admitted they had no such reports.
The anti-hydroxychloroquine and anti-ivermectin studies have all collapsed as more information is released. Subsequent research of mortality, treatment, and hospitalization data shows both treatments are safe and more effective than the COVID-19 injections. (See here, here, and here.)
The petition is part of a broad campaign to resist change and continue the elitist pseudo-science that led to mass transgender surgeries, the disastrous COVID-19 response, censorship, and ultimately distrust of public institutions.
Confirmation hearings begin on Tuesday, January 14. Tell your Senators to vote for Trump’s cabinet nominees. Washington DC needs authentic change based on real science to rebuild a government we can trust. We can never accomplish that by nominating the same types that got us into our mess.
Contact your senator.
Call your republican senators please to ask for their vote to confirm Trump’s cabinet every day!